Security, software development and devops in a cloud world


DNS: Solving Google Managed SSL Certificate Issue Problems

This article discusses DNS configuration problems that prevent Google-managed SSL certificates from being issued for Global HTTP(S) Load Balancers. How do you detect that there is a problem with a Google-managed SSL certificate? The certificate status is Provisioning. The Domain… Continue Reading →

IBM Cloud – Provisioning a Cloud Server

Introduction Today is Saturday, so I decided to write another article about IBM Cloud. Today, I will build an IBM Cloud Virtual Server Instance (VSI) running Ubuntu 18.04. This article is the first part of a series on provisioning virtual… Continue Reading →

Google Cloud – SSL Certificates the Easy Way

Introduction I use SSL certificates for everything. I am constantly creating them for internal systems and cloud services. This includes services such as web servers, SQL servers, anything where you might use a paid SSL certificate, or a self-signed certificate… Continue Reading →

Google Domains – Purchasing a Domain Name

For the articles on this site, I often create subdomains for testing. This is neither safe nor secure and a mistake could take down my entire domain. Therefore, I purchased another domain just for testing: This article covers purchasing… Continue Reading →

Google Cloud Private DNS Zones

On October 23, 2018, Google introduced private DNS zones for Google Cloud DNS. This is an important announcement as this keeps internal DNS names private. Today’s article covers how to implement this new feature in Google Cloud Platform. Update: May… Continue Reading →

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